Mungkin MH370 akan memberikan petunjuk lokasi sebenar didalam beberapa hari ini. Perbandingan dibuat berdasarkan kemalangan AF447 dilautan atlantik.
Berdasarkan laporan rasmi BEA (Agensi Penerbangan Perancis), kronologi kemalangan AF-447 seperti berikut;
Berdasarkan laporan rasmi BEA (Agensi Penerbangan Perancis), kronologi kemalangan AF-447 seperti berikut;
- 1st June 2009 : Search and Rescue (SAR) operations launched and coordinated by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Recife (Brazil). Safety investigation launched.
- 6 – 18 June 2009: the remains of fifty victims and some aeroplane parts were found by French and Brazilian naval forces.
- 10 June – 10 July 2009: undersea searches to detect signals transmitted by the two flight recorders' emergency locator beacons.
- 2nd July 2009: publication of the first BEA Interim Report.
- 27 July – 17 August 2009: undersea searches with side-scan sonar and a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to locate the site of the aeroplane wreckage.
serpihan pesawat dijumpai pada minggu kedua selepas AF447dilaporkan hilang |
Until today, the bodies of 74 passengers remain unrecovered...